How It Works – Benefits

Chemical and Microbial Treatments

  • Long-term savings and increased revenue
  • Increased production
  • Reduced cloud and pour points
  • Cleaner flow lines
  • Lower BS&W
  • Higher API gravity oil
  • Longer well life

Details – hover over each number on diagram

  1. Improve oil /water separation
  2. Cleaner gas into pipeline
  3. Cleaner water into tanks
  4. Reduce flowline pressure build-up due to paraffin restrictions
  5. Eliminate stripping jobs and costly workovers
  6. Less BS&W carryover into oil storage tanks and Reduce tank bottom buildup and treating fees
  7. Reduce H2S, scale and corrosion
  8. Chemical and Microbial Treatments
    • Control paraffin accumulation in tubing and rods
    • Keeps perforations free and flowing
    • Reduce wear from friction in tubing
    • Reduce emulsion blocks
    • Increased plunger speeds from reduced friction